a picture of the result of the script

Extending Upside-Down-Ternet

I was sick of people freeloading on my WiFi and I didn’t want to password protect it (for various reasons I’m too lazy to explain).

So I remembered about Upside-Down-Ternet and I extended it a bit with 23 more annoyances:

  • In addition of Flipping the images, I also grey-scaled them
  • I replaced ALL .swf files on webpages with a kitten meow sound that you can see (or hear) here: Kitten Meow Sound (right click to save as).
  • I redirect ALL YouTube (mobile and desktop) video requests to a video called “Dramatic Cat” 

For the initial set-up I followed the fine How-To at the Ubuntu Community Website. And here is my modified script:

UPDATE: I added YouTube video redirection, too!

$count = 0;
$pid = $$;
while (<>) {
        chomp $_;
        if (/(.*\.jpg)/i) {
                $url = $1;
                system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.jpg", $url);
                system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip", "-modulate", "100,0", "/var/www/images/$pid-$count.jpg");
                print "$pid-$count.jpg\n";
        elsif (/(.*\.gif)/i) {
                $url = $1;
                system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.gif", $url);
                system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip", "-modulate", "100,0", "/var/www/images/$pid-$count.gif");
                print "$pid-$count.gif\n";

        elsif (/(.*\.png)/i) {
                $url = $1;
                system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.png", $url);
                system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip", "-modulate", "100,0", "/var/www/images/$pid-$count.png");
                print "$pid-$count.png\n";

        elsif (/(.*\.swf)/i) {
               print "\n";
        elsif (/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?videoplayback.*id=/i) {
               print "\n";
        else {
                print "$_\n";;

Here is how it looks on an Android phone:

Also, one more thing:

I’ve redirected all websites trough rotateme.org:

use URI::Escape;
use IO::Handle;
use POSIX strftime;
$count = 0;
$pid = $$;
open (DEBUG, '>>/tmp/asciiImages_debug.log');
autoflush DEBUG 1;

print DEBUG "########################################################################\n";

while (<>) {
        chomp $_;
        if (/(.*\.jpg)/i) {
                $url = $1;
                system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.jpg", $url);
                system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip", "-modulate", "100,0", "/var/www/images/$pid-$count.jpg");
                print "$pid-$count.jpg\n";
        elsif (/(.*\.gif)/i) {
                $url = $1;
                system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.gif", $url);
                system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip", "-modulate", "100,0", "/var/www/images/$pid-$count.gif");
                print "$pid-$count.gif\n";

        elsif (/(.*\.png)/i) {
                $url = $1;
                system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/var/www/images/$pid-$count.png", $url);
                system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip", "-modulate", "100,0", "/var/www/images/$pid-$count.png");
                print "$pid-$count.png\n";

        elsif (/(.*\.swf)/i) {
               print "\n";
        elsif (/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?videoplayback.*id=/i) {
               print "\n";
        elsif (m/.google\.*/) {
               $url = $_;
               $url =~ s/(q=.+?)&/$1+in+pula+mea&/;
               print "$url\n";
        elsif (m/nosquid/) {
              print DEBUG "Input NOSQUID: $url\n";
              print "$_\n";
              print DEBUG "Output NOSQUID: $_\n";
        elsif (m/^http:\/\/.*\/\ /) {
               $url = $_;
               print DEBUG "Input: $url\n";
               my @url = split(" ",$url);
               #print @url[0];
               print "http://rotateme.org/?r=l&u=$url[0]?nosquid\n";
               print DEBUG "Output: http://rotateme.org/?r=l&u=$url[0]?nosquid\n";

        else {
               print "$_\n";

The “?nosquid” part is added to stop an infinite loop with rotateme.org. Couldn’t be arsed to figure out a more elegant way, feel free to correct me on that 🙂

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