If you newly installed Windows 8.1 and you would like to disable Hibernate, you figured out by now that you can’t simply do powercfg /h off like you used to be able to in Windows 7, you get this Windows error codes: An unexpected error condition has occurred. Unable to perform operation. You may not
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I recently found myself working on a small web-radio project for some friends, and I stumbled upon some interesting technical “challenges” (to say so). I wanted a HTML5 Web-Radio Player (I used the excellent jPlayer project, which supports html5’s <audio>in a wide range of browsers, but also has a fall-back to Adobe Flash for older browsers), but
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Just having upgraded recently to Windows 8, I found that my on-board sound-card has lost its driver’s Equalizer function, and being the owner of some shitty speakers, I really wanted to change how they sounded. So by Googling around, I found this amazing piece of software: Equalizer APO.
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As many people have unfortunately stumbled upon this issue – Mumble‘s Overlay only works with OpenGL and DirectX9 and ONLY with 32bit (x86) executables. Running on anything else (DirectX11 and/or 64bit .exe) causes the overlay to not display over these games. This can be seen, for example, in World of Warcraft – when run with
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Updated on 14.05.2017 Create a file called /etc/init.d/oscam with the following contents: #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: oscam # Required-Start: $local_fs $network $remote_fs # Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $remote_fs # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: start and stop service oscam # Description: oscam ### END INIT INFO
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